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Pheri Bhetaula! (See you again!)

I have just a few minutes to spare before we hop into our jeep and head off on the next leg of our journey so I apologize for allocating such little attention to a subject which deserves a great deal. Our destination today will be the village of Syabru Besi in lower Rasuwa, from there we will unload our bags and begin the long trek through the districts of Rasuwa and Dhading along the Tamong Herritage Trail and beyond, hopefully reaching the village of Baseri by October 24th. This trek will test all that we have done so far.

Though we have spent close to five months researching how and where CCF can be most effective, no amount of desk research can decisively tell us the true needs of those we are trying to help; our preliminary plans could very well be proven entirely wrong based on these next few weeks. This is the opportunity we have been waiting for! The chance to hear directly what the people have to say, to see their situation for ourselves and begin to understand the devastation they have gone through; these interactions cannot be substituted by anything else. The Conscious Connections Foundation is based on relationships; this trek is meant to foster and sustain such relationships as the most pressing needs shifts from those of relief to recovery. By sitting down with both those who have benefitted from CCF assistance and those who have not, we hope to have honest, comfortable, and open conversations. With any luck, this method will allow us to ask the village communities what they need to survive the approaching winter and how we can play a part in returning their world to some greater semblance of normality.

We bid you all adieu for the time being, but will post pictures and updates whenever possible!

