Pocket change for us.
An education for them.
(Grades 1-10)
Send a kid to school for just $10/month!
Education lays a foundation for vibrant lives for girls and women, their families, and their communities. CCF partners directly with the Association For Craft Producers (ACP) to keep girls in school. CCF’s Power of 5 fundraising makes that happen.
ACP’s child education program currently keeps a student in need in school for six years. CCF’s goal is to raise enough to extend this to all ten years. We want these kids to feel secure in knowing that they will receive a full education so they can learn and thrive!
Meet swastika
Student Feature
At 13, Swastika already knows she wants to be an accountant which explains why she prefers math over science. She loves to travel and go out with family and friends and has received awards for her drawing and writing skills. She is a twin and believes “one has to make their life interesting and happy.”
meet riza
Student Feature
Riza is a writer and naturally loves English. She has a knack for debate and enjoys challenging her older brother. Now 15 years old, Riza strives to be a good daughter and envisions a future in business. She loves playing games, especially soccer. Riza believes “one should not always think of personal benefit and try to help someone in need.”
Power Partnerships
The Power of 5 was born out of a 30+ year relationship between the ACP and CCF chair, Denise Attwood, and husband Ric Conner. Through their fair trade import company, Ganesh Himal Trading, Denise and Ric witnessed first-hand the positive change that comes from economically empowering women and helping educate their daughters.
Before CCF and the Power of 5 came to be, Ganesh Himal made it a priority to support projects like ACP’s Girl Child Education Fund—a scholarship program providing monthly stipends to families as an incentive to keep daughters in school…but then Denise and Ric wanted to do more.
Taking action
On a business trip to Nepal in 2012, Denise and employee, Austin Zimmerman, interviewed two recipients of the Girl Child Education Fund. They learned that due to lack of funds, sisters Heema and Heena were losing their scholarships. One hundred-twenty other students faced the same fate and most would be forced to drop out. It was clear that more sustainable support was needed.
Determined to extend the girls’ scholarships, Ganesh Himal employees each donated $5—the cost of one month of school for one child—with the belief that by inspiring 2,000 other people to do the same, they could provide another year of schooling for all 120 students. With overwhelming support, the Power of 5 campaign began.
To provide an avenue for greater fundraising for the Power of 5 campaign, Conscious Connections Foundation (CCF) was created in 2014. Heema completed school and continued on to college with the help of CCF’s college program, the Joy Attwood Scholarship.
Over time, monthly stipends had to increase from $5 to $10/month per student and the duration of the stipend has extended from three to six years for each student.
With the goal of securing financial assistance for all 10 years for each student and ensuring the program’s continuation, CCF, in partnership with ACP, is building an endowment. CCF is committed to raising $25,000 annually for six years to support this initiative.
The driving force behind the Power of 5 is the belief that every girl should have access to quality education and be able to pursue her dreams. The program’s focus is girls, however, if a boy needs help, CCF’s success has allowed it to extend its monthly support to some boys in need as well.